”In Ordinary Angels (PG), Ritchson portrays the father of a young girl who is suffering from a deadly illness and needs an organ transplant. Two-time Oscar nominee Hillary Swank portrays the hairdresser who steps into the father’s life and helps. The film is based on a true story and opens Friday.”. Read More at

”Indonesia has officially changed a decades-old state policy of referring to Christian holidays by their Islamic names, such as Isa Messiah for Jesus Christ. President Joko Widodo signed a Presidential Decree to mark this shift to accommodate the Christian population in the country, which has the world’s largest Muslim population.”. Read More at

”Lisa Norris-Jackson has released “God Kept Me”, a vibrant and jubilant anthem of thanksgiving, tailored for individuals eager to express their gratitude towards God for their resilience and survival through life’s challenges. Lisa Norris-Jackson passionately declares, “‘God Kept Me’ is a song of testimony acknowledging every dark valley experience that…”. Read More at

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