”Nate Parrish released his latest single, “Life in Dissonance,” on February 25, a new installment from his upcoming sophomore album Soul Surgery, due out in April. The song is available here.
As fans have come to expect from Nate Parrish, “Life in Dissonance” offers up riffy punk rock attitude and some searing cultural commentary.
“‘Life in Dissonance’ is an observation of this phenomenon in our culture where the so-called rebels in society have become mouthpieces for big government, big business, and technology,” Nate offers. “The artists who once fought so hard for the protection of free speech are now defenders of censorship and the silencing of dissenting opinions. The honest, dangerous, anti-establishment elements of musical expression have been replaced by polished, non-offensive, three-minute-long commercials for government agendas, paid for by corporate cash.”
Nate continues, “Amidst the dissatisfaction with all of this I[…]”. Read More at NewReleaseToday.com.